An isolation/Surgical gown is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in healthcare settings to protect healthcare workers and patients from exposure to infectious agents. Mar as trice bidh e air a dhèanamh le stuthan neo-fhighe, leithid Polypropropropropylene, agus a 'còmhdach Torso, gàirdeanan agus casan an neach-caitheamh. Bidh gocan-geuran is lannsaireachd a 'tighinn ann an grunn stoidhlichean agus ìrean dìon, bho dhiù gu beag gu làn chraoladh. They are worn during procedures that involve exposure to bodily fluids or other infectious materials, as well as during patient care activities where contact with contaminated surfaces is possible. Isolation gowns are disposable and are discarded after each use to prevent the spread of infection.
Glacadh: OEM / OM / ODM, Malairt, Slàn-reic, Buidheann Roinneil,
Tha factaraidhean fhèin againn ann an Sìona. Am measg mòran chompanaidhean malairt, is sinne an roghainn as fheàrr agad agus do chompanach gnìomhachais earbsach.
Tha sampall stoc an-asgaidh & ri fhaighinn